Kartika Puja was observed with great devotion on this auspicious day at Amrita Vidyalayam, Bhubaneswar. The event was graced by devotees residing in Bhubaneswar, along with the teachers and staff of the school.
The Puja was conducted by Bri. Rasikamrita Chaitanya and Bri. Namratamrita Chaitanya, creating a serene and spiritually uplifting atmosphere. Soulful bhajans were sung by Mr. Rajendra Sir, whose melodious renditions reverberated throughout the school premises, filling the environment with divine energy.
The event saw the participation of families and individuals from nearby localities, adding to the communal spirit of the occasion. The gathering concluded with the distribution of Abhada Prasad, which was partaken by all devotees with gratitude and reverence.
The program was presided over by the school principal, Ms. Mousumi Patnaik, whose presence added to the significance of the event.